About Us
About Us
The Utah County Arts Board is an independent LLC supporting the arts in Utah County. We are partially funded by Utah County, grants, and entry fees for exhibits.
We are one of several galleries that participates in the Downtown Provo Gallery Stroll and cordially invite you to participate in next month’s (always free and ever rotating) First Friday Stroll from 6 to 9 pm. 151 South University Ave, Provo, Utah
The Art Gallery is operated by the Utah County Arts Board, LLC.
Jolynn Forman & Jeanne Gomm – Co-Presidents
Joe Flores – Vice President
Marlyn Hayes – Secretary
Randy Russon – Treasurer
Jackie Dras – Webmaster
Mission Statement
Our mission is to support local artists by providing exhibit space, participating in community activities regarding the arts, distributing a County Sourcebook to assist artists in selling and showing their work and presenting workshops and meetings for members to network and learn more about subjects regarding their craft.
Our purpose is to elevate artistic recognition in Utah County and connect artists with collectors.

The Provo Art Board was founded in 1956 by B.F. Larsen, BYU Professor and well known artist.
Monthly exhibits by Utah artists were originally hung in the Provo Utilities Building on 800 North, Provo. Around 1993 the exhibits were moved to the historic Utah County Court House, Center Street and University Avenue. The Board then became known as the Utah County Art Board, and monthly exhibits were hung there until the new Health and Justice Building was built at 151 S. University Avenue in Provo, where our exhibits, shows, and receptions are now held.
The Utah County Arts Board, Inc. is a volunteer organization, funded in part by Utah County. The Board works in cooperation with various artists, art groups, and venues. Utah County Arts Board, Inc is a member of the Provo First Friday’s Downtown Art Stroll.